The HNC Boot Camp Experience


What this video can’t show…

The leaders in this video talk a lot about how transformative Boot Camp was for them… and it’s likely you’re skeptical. (Of course you are - you’re smart!) There are many organizations out there that claim to be a “life-changing” experience but don’t deliver on that promise. If you keep reading, we’ll show you how Boot Camp is different.

So what is it that actually makes this a powerful experience?

Imagine you’re a nonprofit Executive Director working long hours, struggling to bring your team together around a shared vision for the organization, being pulled in a million directions, and feeling scattered because your to-do list is expanding every day. Often it feels like you’re just barely getting by.

Then you participate in Boot Camp and by the end, you’re working (for the most part) reasonable hours, you feel clear and focused, your staff has a deep understanding and buy-in for your collective organizational vision, and you have a suite of tools that helps you manage and track progress on every project within your organization - everything feels under control. What would you say if you tried to describe the significance of these results in a sentence or two?

This is the magnitude of results that Boot Camp participants typically experience, and this is what they mean when they say the experience was transformational. HNC doesn’t take credit for the hard work that leaders do through our Boot Camp, but we can confidently say that Boot Camp provides the right environment, guidance, and support for leaders to make huge progress in a very short amount of time.

If you’re a nonprofit leader and are curious about what this experience could be like for you, take a look at our Boot Camp overview and let us know you’re interested below. Not sure yet? Keep reading!

[If you’re looking for fiscal sponsorship, check out our ILS program.]

What is HNC Boot Camp?

Boot Camp is a 3-month intensive program that helps community-driven leaders get to the “next level” with their organizations. It starts with a series of conversations to help us tailor the entire experience to each leader’s individual and organizational needs. Next we spend 7-days at a mountain retreat (what we call Deep Dive Week) in workshops that have been built for that specific group of leaders. After we get back, we’ll start weekly coaching sessions with leaders to give them hands-on support with implementing what they’ve created during Deep Dive Week. We call this Future Proofing - an opportunity to support leaders as they navigate change management within their organization.

We focus our Boot Camp work with leaders in five areas

Note: since we personalize each leader’s Boot Camp experience, we use these 5 areas to guide our goal setting. We never force participants to focus on things that aren’t relevant to them, which lets us spend more time on the things that matter.

  1. Improved Clarity & Focus | Clarity is about improving (or building) a logic model for the organization that can drive both impact and sustainable income. Focus is about building the tools you can actually use to operationalize your strategy ensure focused implementation and vision-alignment at every level of the organization.

  2. Fundraising & Sustainable Revenue | You’ll learn a comprehensive approach to fundraising in a way that feels good, doesn’t take too much time, and leads to massive results. Then, we’ll build the practical tools needed to implement your strategy, we’ll demystify the “black box” of philanthropy, and make real progress towards your funding goals.

  3. Evaluation & Understanding Impact | Using our “researching without researching” approach, we help organizations gain all the internal and external benefits of a comprehensive research agenda without the complication. Leaders will design an organization-wide approach to research that covers data collection, analysis, synthesis, reporting, and practices for continuous improvement.

  4. Managing Time & Attention | These sessions dive into the systems, tools, habits, and mindsets leaders use to manage their time and attention. We work with leaders to build their own personalized approach to getting more done in less time - with the goal of feeling clear and focused rather than scattered and busy.

  5. Operational Effectiveness & Efficiency | Depending on their organizational needs, we support leaders in building efficient, automated systems to minimize the amount of staff time required to maintain operational effectiveness. Content areas include: accounting/bookkeeping, budgeting and financial modeling, legal advising, contracts/agreements, and board governance.

It’s worth saying again: each Boot Camp experience is personalized to ensure we’re addressing a leader’s real needs and not wasting time on things they’re already great at. The real magic of Boot Camp is how each component creates a cohesive and immersive experience.

Note: With the exception of Deep Dive Week, the Boot Camp experience happens through zoom and phone (especially during COVID-times) and occasional in-person meetings, if desired by participants.

Month 1

  • Needs discovery process

  • Goal setting and pre-work

  • Deep Dive Week

Months 2 - 3

  • Weekly Future Proofing calls

  • On-demand coaching and advising

  • In-person workshops and support


  • Coaching and advising, as desired

  • External support that comes with being part of the HNC family

  • 3-month, 6-month, 1-year check-ins to support change management



Who is Boot Camp For?

Boot Camp is for experienced leaders of social impact organizations (nonprofit or for-profit Executive Directors or CEOs) who have a track record of success and impact. Ideal candidates for Boot Camp have experienced enough soul-crushing hardship in their role to have the ego squeezed out of them: good leaders know that the work isn’t really about them and focus their efforts on building stronger organizations.

HNC’s internal research shows that Boot Camp provides a space in which leaders feel safe to share their real struggles because everyone in the room “gets it” - everyone is there to improve and wants to support other leaders in doing the same.

HNC doesn’t pretend to have more “right answers” or the “best way of doing things” - experienced leaders are typically very successful in the areas of support we offer and we always learn a lot from other folks.

We have seen - with many thriving Executive Directors - that our approach to support often adds entirely new dimensions and ways of working to a leaders already vast experience.

How much does Boot Camp cost?

The right combination of high quality training, coaching and consulting to help an organization meet their goals can cost upwards of $150k!

We've built Boot Camp to give leaders the same value for $25k or less, and we have ways to subsidize the cost for organizations who really need it. We created Boot Camp because we don't believe you need to shell out 6-figures for the kind of organizational results you want! Don’t let cost be a barrier to expressing interest or learning more - we want to help, so reach out to chat about options.

When is the next Boot Camp?

We have two upcoming sessions in 2022. Reach out if you’re interested in learning more!

How does HNC measure its effectiveness or evaluate its impact?

HNC has very robust program evaluation and approach to research. In large part, we measure our effectiveness by whether or not we’re able to support leaders in achieving the results they’re looking for. We could talk about it for hours (seriously) but in short: we work hard to control for issues of attribution, sample and effect sizes, correlation/causation, etc.

We also love research and evaluation and have a dedicated staff person who supports HNC’s organizational approach to impact and improvement. If you’re interested, we’re happy to have a much deeper conversation about this part of our work.

What Results Can Participants Expect?

At the beginning of Boot Camp, we work with leaders as they define the results they want to achieve through the experience. Our approach is unique in that the experience is fully personalized to the needs of each leader and their organization. However, there are some results that show up more often than others. Some examples of results Boot Camp participants have defined are:

  • Developing and implementing a comprehensive fundraising approach (strategy, prospect tracker, collateral, operating framework, etc.) that is true to their values and effective at raising significant dollars with relatively little effort

  • Developing and executing against a new (or refined) organizational model that is capable of generating sustainable revenue

  • Creating and implementing an organization-wide project management approach that ensures alignment between an organization’s vision/values all the way down to individual action steps - tracking progress and allowing staff to course-correct

  • Creating and implementing a new system for managing time (calendar, projects, tasks, etc.) and attention (prioritizing goals and staff capacity etc.)

  • Raising [$X dollars] by [Y date] to make [Z impact]

  • Using a budgeting tool that allows leaders to (1) roll project-level budgets into the overall budget, (2) track cash runway in real time, (3) quickly simulate decisions to see how they will affect the organization’s cash runway, (4) compare budget vs. actuals and troubleshoot when disparities exist

I’d just like to read a bit more about Boot Camp!

Sure thing! Here’s a 2-page overview of the Boot Camp experience.

How will I know if Boot Camp is right for me?

We have a process we call “fit finding” to discover if Boot Camp will be worth your time! Through a couple of calls, we’ll learn more about you and you’ll learn more about us/our approach! Curious about what that looks like?

I still have questions…

Yay! We love curiosity. If you reach out, we’ll set-up time for a chat or if you just want to send an email, you can do that too.